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  Friday, October 22, 2021
  29 Replies
  14.2K Visits
I've determined a solution for this error and is applicable to Windows 10.  It will require a reinstall of Kutools for Excel.  Prior to installing, you need to change a few properties on the install EXE file.  Also, you want to make sure there are no Excel activities in Task manager.

  1. Right click on the installer EXE file and go to properties
  2. On the general tab, check the "unblock" box and then click on apply. 
  3. Image 1.jpg
  4. On the Compatibility tab, check the two items shown in image 2 and click apply.  
  5. Image 2.jpg
  6. Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 8
  7. Run this program as an administrator
  8. Click OK to close out the properties box
  9. Run the install EXE program

It should work as expected now when Excel starts up.
2 years ago

     Thanks for the solution; does this fix also work for windows 8?

2 years ago
Is there another solution to this issue? I tried all the steps and still can't get Kutools to install correctly. 
2 years ago
Following up on this topic.  I am experiencing the same issue and have tried all of the steps below with no success.  I am running Windows 11 and Office 365.
2 years ago
Hi All,

When you encounter a problem with Kutools for Excel, please, send us the information about your operating system ( Which version of Windows operating system am I running? ), Excel version and the language you are using on your computer. Also, please send us how did the add-in go wrong in detail, a picture or file attachmemt would be even better. Is it because of a feature you were using, or a specific file you were opening? Or it just happens after you open an excel file? ...  And how does it look when the add-in went wrong?

We will definitly try our best to fix the bugs. However, since the problems can vary widely, especially on so much different computer environment, it will take us a lot of time. So, please update to our latest version, or ask us to send you the version that works on your computer for your current use.

So sorry for the trouble.

2 years ago
Workaround for Windows 11 plus Office 365 crashes with v26. (Registered user)
Error related to the detong.kteloader add-in that prevents Excel from starting. I tried several workarounds described in the forums without success.
What worked for me was Uninstalling v26, cleaning the registry, and then installing my old v23 (I tried v26, v25, v24 and same failing results). The old version works for me in Windows 11 and MS Office 365. I will not enjoy the apparent improvements on v26, but at least I have something up and running.

I hope the ExtendOffice team can test Windows 11 Enterprise 64 Bits, Version 21H2.
v23 works for me.

Raúl Flores
2 years ago
Hi Raúl Flores,

We have configured two versions for those users who has the Detong.Kteloader Add-In problem. Please download the two versions as listed below. 

Then please install and use them one by one. After that, please tell us if either one works for you.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Amanda, 

I am experience the same issue, and I tried to setup using both installer file as you mention, but all are not working. Any suggestion ? 
2 years ago
Hi banumurti.danardono,

In your Excel, under Kutools tab, please find Help > Setting Center. In the pop-up dialog, please check Enable compatible mode, or Disable Navigation Pane on Startup to test if Kutools is working properly.

However, if you do not see the Disable Navigation Pane on Startup option, please reinstall the files again:

Thanks in advance.

Attachments (1)
2 years ago
I have been fighting this detong.kteloader problem for months, trying every so often to see if the problem is resolved w/a fresh install, with no luck. Excel simply will not open with Kutools enabled, at all.

I have noticed that in my Excel Add-ins, the Kutools Utilities is listed in the "inactive applications" section & has a location in the program files Kutools for Excel folder for the "Loading" file. I had previously noticed that that particular file in my program folder has no file extension. The last modified date is always listed as 12/29/2021, but after fresh installs of Kutools, the created date is the date of the install. I have tried guessing what the file extension should be based on other files in the folder & tried .dll, .exe, .exe.manifest, none of which work.

Do you know what the file extension for the Loading file should be? Do you think giving this file an extension would allow the add-in to function properly? I am running Office 365 on Windows 11.

The other kutools add-ins are: Enabled - Kutools for Excel Helper and disabled - kutools for Excel 26.00. I tried all of the other potential fixes listed on the forum, with the exception of rolling back to a previous version. I installed the debug files P & A, noticed that I was in version 27.00, but I still had the loading file w/o and extension and the detong.kteloader error. 

Thank you in advance.
2 years ago
Hi oliviatrost,

So sorry for the trouble. The development team provided a newly updated beta, please install it here and give it a try.

If the problem still exists, please send the document in your computer "C:\Users\[User Name]\Documents\Kutools for Excel\KutoolsBootInformation\BootDebugInfo.txt" to
And please change the part "[User Name]" to your actual user name. Or you can just go to the Documents as shown below directly, then find Kutools for Excel > KutoolsBootInformation, then you can find the BootDebugInfo.txt.

Thanks in advance.

Attachments (1)
Hi Amanda,
I installed the Beta , A and P version , but all are not working with same error.

Below is the bootpdebuginfo.txt

Windows Version: Windows 10 (Version 10.0, Build 19041, 64-bit Edition)
Windows UI: English
20220125104813656: ProcessStep001
20220125104813656: ProcessStep002
20220125104813657: ProcessStep003
20220125104813658: ProcessStep004
20220125104813658: ProcessStep005
20220125104813659: ProcessStep006
20220125104813660: ProcessStep007
20220125104813660: ProcessStep008
20220125104813661: ProcessStep009
20220125104813666: ProcessStep010
20220125104813668: ProcessStep011
20220125104813669: ProcessStep012

Thank you
2 years ago
So sorry for the trouble. The development team provided a newly updated beta, please install it here and give it a try.

If the problem still exists, please send the document in your computer "C:\Users\[User Name]\Documents\Kutools for Excel\KutoolsBootInformation\BootDebugInfo.txt" to
And please change the part "[User Name]" to your actual user name. Or you can just go to the Documents as shown below directly, then find Kutools for Excel > KutoolsBootInformation, then you can find the BootDebugInfo.txt.

Thanks in advance.



So sorry that the betaI attached on the previous post was an old one. I already updated it in the post. Please install the new beta and try.

So sorry for the trouble. And hope the beta works for you.

Thanks alot Amanda,

It's works now, i uninstalled it and install the beta version 20220125.

Good job :)
2 years ago
Hi all,

If you encountered Detong.Kteloader Add-In problems, please download and reinstall the Kutools for Excel 26:

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.

2 years ago
We are having the same issue in that the Loading is showing with no extension. We do not have KutoolsBootInformation in the KuTools for Excel Folder. Have removed and reinstalled KUTools from the link you provided. Currently Excel goes into Not Responding when opening with the KUTools Add-Ins. The loading Add-Ins is disabled.
Any Suggestions?
2 years ago
 Which version of Windows operating system am I running?[/url] ), Excel version and the language you are using on your computer. Also, please send us how did the add-in go wrong in detail, a picture or file attachmemt would be even better. Is it because of a feature you were using, or a specific file you were opening? Or it just happens after you open an excel file? ...  And how does it look when the add-in went wrong?

We will definitly try our best to fix the bugs. However, since the problems can vary widely, especially on so much different computer environment, it will take us a lot of time. So, please update to our latest version, or ask us to send you the version that works on your computer for your current use.

So sorry for the trouble.


Hi Indra,

Could you please provide me the information about your computer? Thanks in advance.

1 year ago
I have the same issue, Kutools doesn't work because of this, and the solution does not work on my side.
Is there anything we can do?
1 year ago
Hi there,

Please try the beta version:

If there are any problems, please don't hesitate to ask me.

Thanks Amanda.

I uninstalled the previous version and installed this beta version.
I still have the same window when I open Excel saying detong.kteloader generated a problem. And if I do not desactivate Kutools as prompted, Kutools doesn't work and I can click anywhere but nothing happens.

Not sure if it has an impact but I'm using Parallells with a proper Office install.
1 year ago
Hi there,

Please click Feedback > Error Submission in the Help group on the Kutools tab, and send the error file (KutoolsInfo.txt) to us.
error submission.png

Please add detong.kteloader in the message subject.

Thanks in advance.

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